Why Join?
Students will be taught by DVHS Robotics Club members who have world-class robotics experience in designing, building, and programming advanced robots. We have consistently been one of the top robotics clubs in the state and we have had 10 teams (and counting!) qualify for the VEX World Championships over the past 15 years.
What is VEX?
"VEX V5 represents our fifth generation of education robotics systems developed with 20 years of experience using robotics to teach STEM principles. V5 electronics are approachable, flexible and powerful, using state of the art technology to ensure relevant education outcomes. The V5 mechanical system includes versatile elements that makes engineering approachable for novice users, while still providing experienced users with endless design possibilities. VEX allows students to hone critical computational thinking skills needed to succeed in both the 21st century's workforce and in everyday life."
Club Safety Contracts:

Novice: About
Novice is a two-part program where students learn about V5 building, programming, and CADing (computer-aided design). Out of nearly 100 yearly applications, 24 get into the first half. They spend 4 hours a week for the first semester to plan, design, build, and code a robot design in 4 teams of 6. At the end of the semester, half of the recruits are cut from the program, and only the most dedicated move forward to the Development Stage. They are faced with yet another challlenge and work in smaller teams to solve the problem. With the end of the second semester, the recruits are drafted onto 1 of the 4 competitive teams.