What is BeAMentor?
BeAMentor's Volunteer Management System (VMS) is an online application that allows SRVUSD to track and provide clearance for school volunteers. Volunteers will use BeAMentor to register themselves as school volunteers, upload necessary documentation, and complete the screening process.
BeAMentor clearance is mandated by SRVUSD and is required for all field trip drivers (both to and from competitions) and Worlds chaperones. No exceptions.
Please start your application ASAP, as clearance can take weeks (or even months) depending on your desired level of clearance.
Learn more about BeAMentor and its three levels of clearance at SRVUSD's website:
BeAMentor's Three Levels of Clearance
NOTE: When signing up for clearance, please sign up for your desired level and all levels before it​.
Example: If you are signing up to be a field trip driver, you must sign up for both levels 1 and 2.
Level 1: Volunteering on Campus
Allows you to volunteer in classrooms, support campus activities, and chaperone day field trips (as a non-driver).
Clearance requires completion of the online application and a search of the Sex Offender Registry.
Clearance can take up to 48 hours.
Level 2: Field Trip Drivers
Required for parents driving students (other than their own) to and from competitions.
Allows you to transport students as a driver for field trips, extracurricular activities, and athletic events.
Clearance requires everything in level 1, a 10-year driving history (with fewer than two driver violation points), a DMV "pull notification" (obtained by the district), and submission of your driver's license and declaration of insurance.
All drivers must maintain liability insurance of at least $100,000/$300,000 bodily injury and $25,000 property damage per occurrence.
Please note that you will need to constantly update your motor insurance, as they do expire over time. Check your BeAMentor portal before every tournament to see if your motor insurance needs to be resubmitted. Failure to keep this updated will result in a loss of level 2 clearance.
Clearance can take up to 10 days.
Level 3: Overnight Chaperones
Required for parents chaperoning Worlds field trips.
Allows you to chaperone an overnight field trip.
Clearance requires everything in level 2, a criminal background clearance through the FBI and DOJ, and a fingerprint.
Fingerprinting must be done at an SRVUSD-approved Live Scan Location and does not require any payment.
Clearance can take up to 45 days.
If you have any questions, or if you need assistance completing your application, email us at contact@dvhsrobotics.com.